a. Yoga for Positive Health

• Chanting, Prayer,
Breathing exercise,
Warm-up exercise,
Surya namaskara,
Standing āsanas,
Sitting āsanas,
Prone āsanas,
Supine āsanas,
Deep relaxation,
Instant relaxation,
Quick relaxation,
Bandhās, Mudhrās,
b. Yoga
for Beginners
• For 20 Weeks Program.
• In Four different Modules
• Modules I, II, III, IV as a short course in
one month.
• Individual Thearapy, Dynamic Yoga,   Power Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, Group and Individual Home Services are available.
• Meditation Club
c. Power
• Power yoga with Surya namaskara
• Power yoga enthusiasts say it enhances stamina, flexibility and better focus. Like any other physical activity, it relieves the body of tension and sweating helps release toxins. It is also said to improve posture and help those with backache and spinal problems by restructuring bone structure.
* All Qualified Ladies and
Gentes Trainers

* Yoga for begginers,
positive health, power
yoga, yoga
pregancy yoga, yoga for
medical applications.

* 11 nos of group classes
in the week days

* 15 individual theraphy
classess everyday

* Weekend special

* 5 nos of ladies special

* Home classes
throughtout the year
d. Yoga
for Over Weight Program for 6 months.

• Diet is an essential part of weight loss and following a healthy and nutritious diet is essential for shedding those extra kilos and also for staying fit with dynamic yoga.
e. Therapeutic
Yoga (Yoga Theraphy)
• Heart
and Circulation

• Cold
Extremities, Vericose Veins, High Blood Pressure, Low Blood Pressure,
Heart Attack.
• Respiratory

• Common
Cold, Breathlessness, Sinusities, Bronchities and Asthma.
• Digestive

• Gastritis,
Indigestion, Acidity, Costipation, Diarrohea, Irritable Bowel
Duodenal Ulcers,
Gastric Ulcers and Ulcerative Colitis.
• Urinary

• Incotinence
(Uncontroled Urination).
• Endocrine
System (Harmonal System)

• Obesity,
Diabetes and Hyper / Hypo thyroidism.
• Musculiar
and Skeletal System (Muscles, Bones & Joints)

• Physical
Fatigue, Muscle Cramps, Back ache (Lower, Middle, Upper, Cervical
Spondylosis), Arthrities
- Ostio Arthritis - (Shoulders, Elbows,
Wrist Fingers, Hips,
Ankles), Rheumatoid
• Skin
& Hair

• Acne,
Eczema, Psoriasis, Dandruffs and Hair loss.
• Brain
& Nervous System

• Head
ache, eye strain, stress related head ache, Memory impairment,
and Sciatica.
• Mind
& Emotions

• Irritability,
Mental Fatigue, Insomnia, Anxiety, Hyper ventilation, Depression,
Bulimia, Anorexia and Drug addiction.
• Women's

• Over
Weight, Menstruation, Menstrual Pain, Premenstrual Syndrome
Leukorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Absent Periods, Prolapsed Uterus, Infertility
Poly Cystic Overian Disorder (PCOD), Yoga for pregnency.
• Men's

• Over
Weight, Viscaral Fat, Impotence, Prostate Problems, Inguinal
Hernia and
Umbilical Hernia.
of Practise

• Standing āsānās

• Thādāsana (Standing
Shitilā tādāsana (Standing
Pādha hāstāsana, Ardhacākrāsana,
Thrikonāsana (Parivrutta),
Prasārith pādhāsana (A,B,C
and D),
Pārswo'thanāsana, Ardhakathichakrāsana,
Uthita pādāngustāsana,
Natarājāsana, Ardhabadha padmo'thanāsana,
Tittibāsana and
Veera bhadrāsana (I, II and
III), Bhunamanāsana.
• Sitting āsānās

• Dhandāsana,
Shitila dhandāasana (Sitting
relaxative pose),
Poorvothanāsana, Ardhabhadha padhmapādha paschimo'thanāsana,
Triyanga Mukhāika pādha paschimo'thanāsana,
Jānusirśāsana (A,
B, C),
Marichāsana (A, B, C and D),
Bhadha Ko'nāsana,
Hansāsana, Hanumānāsana,
Vakrāsana, Ardhamathse'ndhrāsana,
Pāśāsana, Kukutāsana,
Padhmāsana (Series) and
Vajrāsana (Series), Shaśankāsana, Madukāsana,
Shwānāsana (Dog Breathing), Mārjālāsana
(Tiger Breathing), Rabbit Breathing.
• Prone

• Makharāsana (Relaxative),
Makharāsana (Sthithi),
Bhujangāsana (A and B), Shalabhāsana
(A, B and C),
Purna dhanurāsana,
Pādhāngusta Dhanurāsana,
Ekapāda rājakapo'tāsana,
Mayurāsana and
Padhma mayurāsana.
• Supine Postures

• Shavāsana (Relaxative),
Shavāsana (Sāmāsthithi),
Kharna peedhāsana,
Uthāna pādhāsana,
Garbhapindhāsana and Krishnāsana.
• Relaxation Techniques

• Self Management for Exessive Tension
(SMET), Pranic Energising Technique (PET), Mind Sound Resonance
Technique (MSRT), Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT), Quick Relaxation
Technique (QRT) and Instant Relaxation Technique (IRT).
• Prānāyāmās

• Stimulating breathing,
Cooling breathing,
Harmonizing breathing,
Balancing breathing,
Sectional breathing (Vibhāgeeya),
Surya bhedhana, Surya anulo'ma prānāyāma,
Chandra bhedhana, Chandra anulo'ma prānāyāma,
Sheetali, Sheetkāri, Sadanta prānāyāma,
Nādi shudhi prānāyāma, Gāyathri,
Sāvithri prānāyāma, Nāga prānāyāma,
prānāyāma, Anuloma-vilo'ma prānāyāma,
Samavrutti prānāyāma,
Viśama vrutti prānāyāma and
Kumbhaka (Holdings).
• Mudhrās

• Hastha mudhrā,
Mana mudhrā,
Kāya mudhrā,
Bhandha mudhrā and Ādhāra mudhrā.
• Bhandhās

• Moola bhandha,
Madhya bhandha,
Jālandhara bhandha,
Mahā bhandha and
Udyāna bhandha.
• Meditation

• O'm meditation,
Cyclic meditation,
Silent meditation,
Transcendental meditation and
Guided meditation.
• Shatkriyas

• Kaphāl Bhāti,
Suthrane'ti and Bhasthi.
The benefits of Yoga
Yoga is not simply an exercise in stretching. It is a philosophy of life that teaches the individual how to achieve a calm mind, which in turn helps to channel energy throughout the body. The therapeutic effects can benefit anyone, regardless of age, beliefs, disposition, and physical capabilities, with results ranging from the positive to the truly remarkable.
These therapeutic effects are particularly relevant today with the ever-increasing pace of modern life. In today’s hectic world, with its many and varied demands, yoga acts as a relaxing balm, counterbalancing frantic lifestyles by quietening the mind and allowing individuals to slow down and to savour and live in the present moment.
With regular practice, yoga teaches us how to develop a greater awareness of both our physical and psychological states, which in turn increases our ability to cope with everyday stresses and situations, enabling us to step back and assess our reactions and coping mechanisms.
Yoga for beginners:
Here are few simple yoga asanas to help you get started:
• One of the basic, most well-known and widely practiced asanas, surya namaskar literally translates to sun salutation. It comprises a series of twelve different yoga poses that focus on various parts of body. What makes surya namaskar great for the entire body is the fact that it involves twelve different poses encompassed in one - for example, basic prayer pose, forward bend and the bhujangasana (cobra pose).
• According to various experts surya namaskar is a great way to keep your body active as it helps in exercising all possible areas of your body. It helps in strengthening your skeletal system including ligaments and also aids in easing stress and anxiety.
Yoga for Promotion of Positive Health:
The field of medicine has long focused on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure of disease. But health is more than the mere absence of disease. The emerging concept of Positive Health takes an innovative approach to health and well-being that focuses on promoting people’s positive health assets—strengths that can contribute to a healthier, longer life.
Yoga for Weight loss:
Losing weight brings a lot of dedication, commitment, disciplined lifestyle with it. Many of us want to lose weight, we try different diets, work outs, we circuit train and yoga too but somewhere down the lane we tend to lose hope, get bored with the training and give it up. The vicious circle goes on, and body also get tuned to these activities, the next time you hit a program – the body takes longer to break the pattern. Which means that next time you train to lose weight, you will have to put more effort to achieve your goal. One need to sweat it out day in and day out, fight the boredom, shred the inertia to get the fruitful results. Someone is going to smile over a period of time looking into the mirror.
Yoga can help to lose weight. The best part about yoga is that it leaves you fresher and more energetic than before after the work outs. Yoga considered being more of aerobic exercise burns less calories during the workout compared to other strenuous workouts which are as effective. Yoga has its own sweet ways to cut the flab. It is a slow process but it cuts the fat as a knife cuts the butter.
Power Yoga:
Power Yoga is a fitness-based vinyasa practice. An offshoot of Ashtanga Yoga, it has many of the same qualities and benefits, including building internal heat, increased stamina, strength, and flexibility, as well as stress reduction. Teachers design their own sequences, while students synchronize their breath with their movement.
Pregnancy Yoga:
A practice uniquely designed for pregnancy, Prenatal Yoga can help support moms-to-be emotionally and physically. With an emphasis on breathing, stamina, pelvic floor work, restorative poses, and core strength, Prenatal Yoga can help you become more resilient during and after pregnancy.
Yoga Therapy for psychosomatic ailments
Cardiovascular System
Cold Extremities:
This is caused by a slowdown in circulation, when blood collects in the torso and fails to correctly reach the extremities. It gives rise to ailments of the chest and of the intestinal and abdominal organs. It is often the result of a sluggish thyroid, stress, or nervousness.
Low blood pressure:
This condition, also called hypotension, occurs when blood pressure is less than normally required to transport blood to all parts of the body. This can reduce blood supply to the brain, resulting in fatigue, fainting spells, light-headedness, blurred vision, or nausea.
Blocked arteries:
This occurs when the coronary vessels are blocked, reducing blood flow to the cardiac muscles. This process eventually damages these muscles, and is a major cause of heart attacks. A common symptom is angina or chest pain.
Angina pain characteristically radiates from the chest to the back, neck, and arms, and is accompanied by nausea, breathlessness, and fatigue. It causes include smoking, obesity, blocked arteries, hypertension, and excessive alcohol consumption.
Heart Attack:
Inadequate blood supply to the heart muscles results in myocardial infarction or a heart attack. It is often due to the gradual blocking of the coronary arteries.
Respiratory System
Breathlessness:This condition, also called dyspnoea, is caused by deficiencies in the elastic recoil of the lungs. Air is retained in the lungs, which then become distended. The diaphragm is squeezed and the effort to breathe strains the chest.
Sinusitis: This condition is caused by the inflammation or swelling of mucous membranes lining the sinus cavities. Common symptoms include nasal congestion and discharge, headache, and pain in the region of the upper jaw, eyes, cheeks, or ears.
Bronchitis: This condition is caused by inflammation or excess mucus in the bronchi, the airways connecting the lungs to the trachea or wind-pipe. The common symptoms of this condition are shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.
Asthma: In this condition, the airways of the lungs are constricted, causing tightness in the chest, bouts of coughing, wheezing, and breathing difficulties. The inflammation of the air passages can become chronic. Asthma is usually caused by allergies or stress.
Digestive System
This condition is associated with upper abdominal pain, discomfort, or distension which is either intermittent or chronic. Other indications are nausea, vomiting, belching, acidity, flatulence, and a constant feeling of being full.
This is commonly indicated by a sharp, burning sensation in the lower chest, just below the sternum. It can be caused by overeating, the intake of highly spiced or rich food, excessive alcohol, or drugs, such as aspirin or cortisone.Irritable bowel syndrome: Characterized by a combination of abdominal pain and altered bowel function, this syndrome is due to a disturbance in the muscle movements of the large intestine. Some predisposing factors are a low-fibre diet, the use of laxatives, or stress.
For some people, the elimination of waste from the body is difficult, infrequent, and sometimes painful. This is often accompanied by a feeling that the bowels have not been completely emptied.
Hormonal System
This is a condition of excess body fat that is 20% greater than the individual’s desired weight. Obesity is often caused by Cushing’s syndrome, hypothalamic disorders, genetic factors, taking corticosteroid drugs, excess calorie intake, or lack of exercises.
Diabetes: This is the most common of all metabolic disorders. Its symptoms include frequent thirst and urination, excessive hunger, weight loss, and nausea. The condition is caused by insufficient insulin production in the pancreas.
Muscles, Bones, & Joints
Physical Fatigue:
Stressful physical exertion brings on this condition, characterized by exhaustion and a reluctance to exert oneself. If unrelieved by rest, and the removal of stress factors, the condition may lead to chronic fatigue syndrome.
The common causes of this condition are either stiffness in the ligaments or muscles of the back, or weak abdominal muscles. Poor posture and lack of exercise usually lead to tight and swollen back muscles, resulting in pain.
Cervical spondylosis:
This is a degenerative disease of the spine caused by wear and tear on the joints between the cervical vertebrae. Also called cervical osteoarthritis, the symptoms include pain in the arms and neck, headaches, and dizziness.
This condition is caused by the erosion of cartilage between joints, causing the bones to press against each other. The narrowing of joint space due to calcification, along with the thickening of tendons in the joints cause severe pain.
Rheumatoid arthritis:
This is a chronic, systemic, inflammatory condition, which leads to the eventual disability of the joints. The symptoms are stiffness in the mornings, fatigue, burning and swelling of the joints, and the appearance of rheumatoid nodules.
Brain and Nervous system:
Migraine: This condition is associated with periodic, throbbing headaches, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain can be at the front, back, or sides of the skull. The attack can be preceded by sensitivity to light, partial loss of vision, and numbness in the lips.
Epilepsy: This condition is caused when the nerve cells of the brain emit abnormal impulses that disturb the electrical signals by which the brain controls the body. Epileptic seizures occur irregularly. The causes include head injuries, brain infections, and inherited predisposition.
This is due to compression and inflammation of the spinal nerves. A sharp pain radiates from the lower back to the leg and foot in a pattern determined by the nerve that is affected. It feels like an electric shock, and increases with standing or walking.
The first five limbs come under a general heading Bhahiranga yoga. In
this the used for the indirect control of mind. The last three limbs
are referred to as antharanga yoga. The mind being used directly culturing
itself. |