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Chakrās are in Astral Body or lingha shareera. These have corresponding centers in the spinal cord and the nerve plexus in the gross body. Each chakrās has control and function over a particular in gross body. These cannot be seen by the naked eyes.

Each chakra has a particular number of petals with a Sanskrit alphabets on each petal is represented by the corresponding Sanskrit letter. Every letter denotes the mantra of Devi Kundalini. The letters exist in the petals in a latent form. These can be manifested and the vibrations of the nādis felt during concentration.

The number of petals of the lotuses varies. Moolādhāra , Svādhistāna, Manipura, Anāhata, Vishudha and Ājna chakrās have 4, 6, 10, 12, 16 and 2 petals respectively. All the 50 sanskrit letters are on the 50 petals. The number of petals in each chakrās is determined by the number and position of the yoga nādis around the chakra. It will make it still clear. From each chakra a particular number of yoga nādis crop up. The chakrā give the appearance of a lotus with the radius as its petals. The sound produced by the vibrations of the yoga nādis is represented by the corresponding Sanskrit letter. The chakrās with their petals hang downwards when kundalini is at the Moolādhāra Chakra. When it is awakened, the turn towards Bhramarandhra. They always face the side of Kundalini.

When Kundalini is awakened it passes on from Moolādhāra to Sahasrāra through all the chakrās. At every centre to which the yogi directs the Kundalini. He experiences a special form of Ānanda (Bliss) and gains special siddis (Psychic powers) and knowledge. He enjoys the supreme bliss when kundalini is taken to sahasrāra chakra.

The ancient yogis taught that there are 144 Chakrās in different parts of the body.


Nādis are the astral tubes made up of astral matters that carry psychic currents. The Sanskrit term “Nādi” comes from the root “Nād” which means motion. Through the nādis the vital force or pranic current flows. It cannot be seen by naked eyes, it is quite different from physical (physiological) plane. According to different text there are 72000 to 72 lakhs nādis.

Out of the innumerable nādis 14 are important nādis called as Sushumna

Ida, Pingala, Gandhari, Hastajava, Kuhu, Saraswathi, Push, Sankhini, Payaswini, Vāruni, Ālambhusha, Vishwo'dhara and Yashaswini.

Aagain Ida Pingala and Sushumna are the most important of above 14 Nādis and Sushumna is the chief.