Geetha means the song of the Lord, is a episode of the Mahabharath
18 chapters comprising total of 700 slo'kas.
Bhagavad Geetha can be considered
as the first full pledged yoga scriftor. Geetha is described as
a yoga shāstra or yogic teaching restating yogic
Glory of Geetha

• It contains divine words emanating from the lips of his God
• Its glory infinitive, unlimited.
• Geetha embodies the supreme spiritual mystery and secrets.
• Geetha is essence of four Ve'dhas. The essence
of all scriptures is to be found in it.
• Practice of Geetha alone performs Asana,
Prānāyamās, Chanting,
Dhyāna, Dhārana and
• Studying this every time exhibits a new facet of thought.
Construction of Geetha
18 Chapters of Geetha exhibits
18 Types of Yogas.

There are large number of methods of yoga eternity to the needs of the
different types of people in society and to bring about the transformation
of the individual.
Essence of Geetha

• what happened was Good
• What is happening also Good
• What will happen definitely be Good
• What did you miss for which you weep?
• What did you bring for you to lose?
• Did you create anything for you to forfeit?
• Whatever you got is from “HERE”
• Whatever you gave is “HERE”
• Today whatever is yours?
• Yesterday it was not yours, It was someother
• Tomorrow it will belong to somebody else
“CHANGE” is the order of life.
The Geetha is divided into three sections of six chapters are each dealing
successively with
YOGA, the first
leading to the second the second leading to the third.
In another source yoga broadly classified into four streams. Swami Vivekananda
puts them as Work, Worship, Philosophy and Psychic Control.



The path of work involves doing action with an attitude of detachments
to the fruits of that action. This makes relieve himself from the
strong attachments and thereby brings him to a steadiness of mind
which verily is yoga – ‘Samatvam yoga uc'yate’.
Instruments of action and understanding (Karmendriyās and Jnānendriyās)
get cleansed.

The control of emotions is done by the path of worship. In the modern world ,
man is tossed up and down due to various emotional onslaughts. The path of Bhakthi
is a boon to gain control over emotional instability by properly harnessing the
energy involved in it.

The age of science has made man a rational being. Intellectual sharpness
is imminent. Analysis is the tool. The path of philosophy (JNĀNA
YOGA) is apt for the keen intellectual and is centered around the
analysis of ‘Happiness’,
the vital contribution of the Upanisads. Also, many other fundamental
questions regarding the mind, the world outside and inside, and reality
are taken up. Basic question are raised even involving the intellect
itself to reach the very basis of the intellect.

Culturing of the mind is the key to success in almost all our endeavours.
The yoga of mind culture or Psychic control (RĀJA YOGA) gives
a practical and easy approach to reach higher states of consciousness.
It is based on the Antaranga yoga of Patanjali’s Astānga Yoga
Patanjali gave the yoga tradition its classic format, within 196 sutras
the entire science of yoga is delineated. There are distributed over
4 chapters.

• Sāmadhi Pāda (Ecstacy)
• Sādhana Pāda (Path)
• Vibhuthi (Power)
• Kaivalya Pāda (Liberation)
Yogaha Chittavrutti
The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is yoga.
Astānga Asta means eight Anga Means limbs. Total yoga consists
limbs, They are
Yama, Niyama, Āsana,
Prānāyāma, Pratyāhāra, Dhārana, Dhyāna, Samādhi.
1st Limb - YAMA -
consists of satya - Truthfulness, Ahimsa-Non violence, Asthe'ya-non
stealing, Aparigraha-nongreedy, Continence-Brahmacharya.

2nd Limb NIYAMA - is social code of conduct.
It consists

• Śoucha - Cleanliness, (Internal and External)
(physical and mental)
• Tapas - austerity - By this impurities of body and senses
are destroyed and occult power
• Santho'sha - By contentment, supreme joy
is gained.
• Swādhyāya - Self study, By study of spiritual books comes communication
with one’s
chosen deity.
• Iswarapranidhāna - Surrender to Almighty.
By total surrender to god, Samādhi is attained.

3rd Limb - ĀSANA - Postuer Āsana is steady,
comfortable posture

4th Limb - PRĀNĀYĀMA -The control of prāna,
the life force

5th Limb - PRATHYĀHĀRA - Is restraint
of senses from their objects of enjoyments

6th Limb - DHĀRANA -
Focussing of mind

7th Limb - DHYĀNA - De-Concentration

8th Limb - SAMĀDHI - Super-Consciousness
The first five limbs come under a general heading Bhahiranga yoga. In
this the used for the indirect control of mind. The last three limbs
are referred to as antharanga yoga. The mind being used directly culturing